Grain-free dog food

Wild Forest

Wild meat & Lamb
Contains fresh meat, fruits and vegetables
Hypoallergenic grain-free dog food, suitable for all life stages.







High quality ingredients

Meet the nutritional needs of our dogs by providing different sources of animal protein

Wild meat

Combination of hunted wild boar and deer meat. Deer meat is very high in protein and low in fat. It is lean, very nutritious and an excellent meat for healthy dogs.
Wild boar contains 70% red fiber and 30% white fiber, is a very lean meat and contains all the essential amino acids for dogs. It is also rich in iron, zinc, selenium and vitamin B6.


Meat rich in high quality protein, hypoallergenic, used to reduce the risk of allergies. Lamb meat is an excellent source of many minerals and vitamins: contains a large amount of zinc which helps the immune system, iron for oxygen transport and the formation of red blood cells, phosphorus for its essential role in the development and maintenance of bones and teeth, vitamin B2 which contributes to a better energy metabolism in all cells.

Improving health with fruits and vegetables

Mix of herbs and vegetables

(alfalfa, nettle, dandelion, parsley, milk thistle, chicory root, rosemary) is rich in protein, vitamins and easily digestible minerals: helps strengthen the immune system, reduce inflammation, have anti-inflammatory effects and detoxifying properties. Their positive effects on health are numerous.


(apple, pineapple, rosehip, goji berries, blackcurrant): rich source of fiber and vitamins, natural antioxidants to reduce inflammation and possibly reduce the risk of certain cancers.


Contains health-promoting antioxidants and a wide range of nutrients, including vitamins C, K and B1, manganese, fibre and folate (which promotes rapid cell regeneration).

Goji berries

Very high nutritional value. Contains the 8 essential amino acids, one of the most important sources of antioxidants, contains vitamin B and vitamin E, anti-inflammatory agent that lowers cholesterol, with essential fatty acids that promote the loss of body fat, antibacterial and antifungal and strengthen the immune system .

Yucca extract

Yucca extract is said to naturally help the body eliminate toxins and aid digestion. Yucca extract can also reduce body odor as well as the odor of urine / stool.


Metabolisable energy

Crude protein 30%.
Crude fat 17%.
Crude ash 7.8%.
Crude fibre 2.8%.
Calcium 1.5%
Phosphorus 1.1%
Humidity 10%

Nutritional information

30% fresh meat and fresh liver of game, 20% dehydrated lamb meat, pea, potato flakes, potato proteins, poultry fat, dried beet pulp, 3,5% hydrolyzed game liver, mix of fruits, vegetables & herbs (apple pomace, alfalfa, nettle, dandelion, plantain lanceolata, rose hip fruits, milk thistle, pineapple extract, chicory root, yucca schidigera extract), brewer’s yeast, fructooligosaccharides, sodium dihydrogen phosphate, glucosamine, chondroitin sulfate, natural antioxidant complex, natural preservative (rosemary extract).

Nutritional additives/kg

Vit. A 20,000 IU, vit. D3 1,470 IU, vit. E (RRR alpha tocopherol) 235 mg, niacinamide 73 mg, vit. B1 7 mg, vit. B2 12.5 mg, vit. B6 9 mg, vit. B12 165 µg, vit. C 162 mg, calcium panthotenate 27 mg, folic acid 0.9 mg, biotin 0.9 mg, choline chloride 2,150 mg, L-carnitine 140 mg, iron 178 mg, copper 25 mg, manganese 38 mg, zinc 173 mg, selenium 0.5 mg, iodine 3.5 mg.

Feeding guide

Approximate daily ration recommended for an adult dog with standard activity. The daily ration is given as an indication and should always be adapted to the current condition of the dog, its activity level, its degree of health and the ambient temperature. Provide always sufficient quantity of fresh water together with the food.

Adult dog’s weight (kg)Daily ration (g)

Passage to Wolf’s Mountain

When your pet is eating Wolf’s Mountain dog food for the first time or changing recipes, we recommend mixing increasing amounts of the new recipe with the old dog food for one week.

For 2 days: 25% Wolf’s Mountain
For 2 days: 50% Wolf’s Mountain
For 2 days: 75% Wolf’s Mountain
Forever: 100% Wolf’s Mountain
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